Centro 7.6.0 Release Notes
Centro 7.6.0 adds project filter, email notifications for pipeline errors, additional tagging, some user interface (UI) changes, and a host of other changes.
Notable Changes
- Custom Property Project Filtering
- Project Custom Properties
- Property Sets
- Tagging Resources from a pipeline
- Tag catalog parts from a pipeline
- Catalog Parts Tags
- Move catalog part to a different project
- Email notifications on pipeline errors
- Add pipeline action for creating Link type datadocs
- PDF Export Options
- Export options in Catalog Part Generate feature
- Replace Resource
- UI Changes to the Pipeline Manager
- UI Changes to the resource panel
- UI Changes to the Catalog navigation bar
Minor Changes
- UI Change: Project headers "sticky" on the project page
- Axis triad in SpinFire Web
- Regional settings
- VRML format added to CAD2CAD support
- Downloading resources are captured in the Activity tab
- Archived projects are hidden on the projects page
- Jobs explorer is accessible for unstaged pipelines
- Sort by property names in DataDocs
- The database deployment script generates a "Centro" user and password*
- Performance improvements on the project page
- Thumbnails are cached in the catalog for better performance
- Favorite from catalog home page
- Show part name on by default on Catalog home page
- Notification on browser blocked pop-ups
- Zip files in temporary space are automatically cleaned up on a regular basis
- The temporary file location is configurable
- SpinFire Web Standard CAD views match SpinFIre Ultmate Standard CAD views
- Can build advanced searches using multiple instances of a field using ANDs and ORs.
New Supported Formats
- Catia V5 6R2018 (2D)
- Catia V5 R2018 (R28)(3D)
- Catia V6 R2017x (2D)
- NX 12.0 (3D)
- Parasolid 30.1 (3D)
- ACIS (.SAT) 2018 (R28) (3D)
- Rhino 6 (3D)
- NX12 (2D)
- SolidWorks 2018 (2D)
- SolidWorks 2018 (3D)
- SolidEdge ST10 (2D)
- SolidEdge ST10 (3D)
Bug Fixes
- 3D Search Index
- Add to 3d search index action throws exception in console
- Find duplicates/similar parts gets the result from all projects, even if the user is not allowed to manage them.
- Clip the long filename on Duplicate tab
- Uploading to ShapeSearch failed for some parts
- 3D search indexing sometimes fails
- The title for 3D search results no longer appears
- Admin
- Creating role with quotes in name throws exception
- The role name with "%" cause an exception when pressing 'Copy users to another role' button
- Percent sign in role name cause an error on Create/Edit page
- Impossible to create Role with Japanese language and umlauts
- Long email address breaks Admin Area page
- Long filename/name breaks Tag Modal.
- LDAP user import doesn't link all selected groups
- Linking a previously imported LDAP group as a role doesn't work
- Changing some of the Application Settings in the admin page can cause the website to crash.
- Creating role with quotes in name throws exception
- BOM Compare
- BOM Compare uploaded part and catalog part key values bleed into each other.
- Error in BOMManager Area
- CadToCad action throws exception for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.jt part
- Change the year in copyright for PDF generated with CAD2CAD Action
- Catalog
- Long tag name breaks UI on a partview page
- Check in a resource via the Assembly Resource Manager throws exception
- An error is in console after pressing part name on breadcrumbs
- The long Assembly revision value without space breaks UI
- Assembly DataGrid component count is wrong.
- AssemblyResourceManager does not correctly handle a resource not existing
- Favorited default search title are not translated in catalog homepage
The list of tags in the Tags filter control have a curious order
Buttons on the bottom of the Activity tab are not translated
- The German translation overruns the space for the Toggle Names button for favorite parts on the Catalog Home page
- Long tag name breaks UI on a partview page
- Centro Control
- Remove 'Disabled' button from the Deleted resources tab when the Centro Control is disabled
- Not enough space to show the disabled Centro Control button in Japanese
- Download resource warning should not be shown for the user who has it checked out
- Remove 'Disabled' button from the Deleted resources tab when the Centro Control is disabled
- Compare
- The Created/Last Modified values are null on Compare page
- 'Add to pinned Catalog Part' doesn't transfer the Created/Last Modified values to the compare table
- The resources without Centro Control are deleted only after refreshing page
- Sorting on Compare page causes an error in console
- Make hand-cursor for sorting on the Compare page
- The search compare page does not correctly refresh after sorting and removing an item.
- DataDocs
- DataDoc version history doesn't show any value except current version
- The colon in DataDoc name occurs syntax error in console
- DataDoc version history doesn't show any value except current version
- Part View
- Prevent autoclosing dropdown menu after first click on Generate... window
- Disable the 'Download selected' button when all parts in a tree are deselected
- The assembly tree doesn't load on PartView page for xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx.sldasm part
- Error is in console when the user opens version history window
- Incorrect warning message for deletion the link
Make a hand-cursor for sorting on the Link page
Long category name without space breaks the UI
- Error in console when the user opens PartView page
- Display a success alert on successful purging of a resource
Restoring final item in archive switches to wrong tab when restoring a Link
Tag Filter doesn't update to show current resource tags, when those are changed
Partview access control errors report as success when updating datadoc from previous version api modifies previous version timeFrom instead of latest
Generate thumbnail from CAD file doesn't update thumbnail
- Pipeline Manager
- Exception is in console when the user filters the job statuses
- Error in console on Explorer Jobs page
- The percentage in a trigger name cause an exception
- CAD to Catalog action takes too much time to add cow.stl part
- The I-deas file format incorrectly includes the .MFC1 extension
- Quick publisher can't get the categories list in case special symbols are in categories name
- The actions throw exception during processing filename with 200 symbols
The long trigger name, watched directory path, pipeline's description, file's name break UI
Possible to create pipeline with special symbols but it doesn't start
CAD files with empty geometry causes exception in CadToSFAction
CAD files with no geometry causes errors in the pipeline when converting to other CAD formats like IGES, STL
CAD files with no geometry causes errors in the pipeline when converting to other CAD formats like PDF, HSF
- A pipeline with a TimerTrigger can't be deployed if timer is set too far in advance
Dynamic property sample is not translated
Live job updates don't always get displayed in the Activity view
PipelineManager takes too long to return pipelines list
Pipeline Host Service doesn't start with Windows
A pipeline that failed to redeploy is still shown as deployed in the manager
Quick-publisher can be saved with invalid options
Pipelines should fail deployment when they reference non-existing projects
CadConvertAction reports success even when not outputting a file
Actions fail when output folder doesn't exist
Max concurrent job on pipeline should not accept floating point numbers.
- CadToCatalog action is deleted when adding CopyFile action to IfControl
Actions using dynamic properties containing quotes around the trigger name error.
The category setting does not get set in the CAD2CAD action
- The tool tip for the output filename field is incorrect in the Extract PMI action
- Exception is in console when the user filters the job statuses
- Project
- Project name is not escaped in the Archive Project window
- The user which doesn't have read project permission sees the number instead of project name
- Max length of project breaks the Modify user access window
- The long value of 'Lead Engineer' breaks UI
- The long Project\Lead Engineer name without space breaks the UI on the Project page
- Possible to create projects with the same name
SyntaxError is in console when the user opens edit page for project with the special symbols
The big number of projects breaks UI
- Projects page doesn't remember previous view
- Project name is not escaped in the Archive Project window
Conversions in SDK's CentroActionsIntegrationExample report file was created even if conversion failed
Explode/Slice Plane text is invisible in SDK's SFW
SDK CadToPngAction fails
- SpinFire Web
- SpinFire Web opens with exception in console
SpinFire Web : The parts don't load in one case
- Align the buttons on the attribute panel in Spinfire Web
- SpinFire Web action still available after deleting SFW resource.
- Standard Views need to reflect the same view and rotation as SpinFire 11.
The Tags filed missed on mobile version
Centro logo, dropdown menu and buttons disappeared from the Manage/Preferences/About/Login navbar
The tooltip is cut at the beginning
- An error on the Login/Reset password/Register/About pages
An error on the Preferences page
Typo is in warning message
IE 11: Thumbnails are not displayed on the Images tab
IE 11: Pressed 'Add to pinned catalog parts' button looks broken
IE 11: Sorting doesn't work on the Users tab
The 'Remove catalog part' button is missed on mobile version
- The Properties tab looks broken on mobile version
Missing translation for warning message
Text overlaps the button size
Datepicker looks as broken
Change hyphenation on tool-tip
- Attributes are clipped on pop-up window under IE and FF
British spelling vs. American spelling of the word "behaviour"
Misspelling in "Quick Publisher Creator" modal dialog English text
Alert message overlaps close button
- Preferences page shouldn't be accessible without being logged in
Login page shows 'not authorized' message when logged in
- Navigating to a non-existing part shows bad alert message
- Canned searches are sometimes duplicated and/or in the wrong order
Autopopulate action edit breaks when removing all options (cannot add new ones)
Short date formats should use two-digit years
Translation needed on the drop down text of the suggested list for advanced search tags
Translations needed for the pin button tool tip.
- Use a consistent case on title labels in the quick publisher dialog.
Filenames can overrun other columns of data when they're long and don't have spaces
- The pagination label and buttons of the data grid are not translated.
Installation Notes
- SDK users need to recompile with the new Centro binaries.
- Organizations using Linux for their database server should use ArangoDB 3.3.10 or greater.
- A new permission (Can access Project Custom Properties Administration) is included in Centro 7.6.0 that is not automatically set for users from upgraded systems. Those managing users and roles should check if this should be set for any of their administrator users or roles.
Known Issues
- For more information see here
Supported Environments
Centro Web / File Server Environment | Minimum | Recommended | Optimum |
Operating System | Windows 7 (64-bit) | Windows 7 (64-bit) | Windows 7 (64-bit) |
CPU/Processor * | Intel i7 8 Core 4 GHz (or equivalent) | Intel i7 8 Core 4 GHz (or equivalent) | |
Memory | 8 GB | 16 GB | 32 GB |
Disk Space † | 10 GB free | 50 GB free | 100 GB free |
It's recommended to have n+1 core processors where n is the number of total concurrent jobs running.
† The amount of available free space is dependent on the amount and size of files and revisions uploaded as resources to the Catalog.
Database Environment | Minimum | Recommended | Optimum |
Operating System | Ubuntu Linux v12.04 / v14.10 / v15.04 Debian Linux v7.0 or v8.0 | Debian Linux v8.0 | Debian Linux v8.0 |
Memory | 8 GB | 16 GB | 32 GB |
Disk Space | 10 GB free | 20 GB free | 50 GB free |
Client Environment | Minimum | Recommended | Optimum |
Browser | WebGL Compatible Browser
| Chrome FireFox | n/a |
Memory | 2 GB | 4 GB | 8 GB |
Prerequisite Installations
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
(Note - Already included in Windows Server 2012 ) - Internet Information Services (iis)
- Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)