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Create Links from a Pipeline

An organization may have standard links to associate with all newly created catalog parts. The Populate DataDoc pipeline action provides that ability. 


To create a link from a pipeline

  1. Edit the pipeline.
  2. Add the Populate DataDoc action to the pipeline.
  3. Provide an Action name.
  4. Enter the Catalog ID or use dynamic properties to use a dynamic ID.
  5. Enter the name of the DataDoc.
  6. Change the Type of DataDoc to Link.
  7. Enter the Link Display Name. You can use dynamic properties to formulate the name.
  8. Enter in the URL. A valid URL must start with "http://".
  9. Select the link behavior as either Open new tab or Open in current tab.
  10. Click Save Changes.

Note: You may need to redeploy the pipeline for changes to take affect.

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