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Exporting Projects

If your organization requires a set of project resources to be saved separately to another location, consider exporting the project.

Exporting projects consists of two steps,

  1. Creating a .csv file describing resources and their locations,
  2. A power shell script that utilizes the .csv file to save off the resources and their various versions.

Note: The functionality was constructed to export one project at a time. For multiple projects, simple run through the defined steps for each project.

To export a project,

  1. Navigate to the Centro Catalog projects page.
  2. For the specific project you desire to export, click on the associated menu and select Export.
  3. A .csv file is created that contains descriptions all the resources for the project which include:
    • Resource name
    • Mime type
    • Location name
    • Part name
    • Part Catalog ID
    • Date last modified
    • File size
    • Each version
    • File path to the resource
    • Resource filename
  4. A system administrator can take this information to save off the resources and their versions or can opt to use a power shell script such as the following.

  5. Run the power shell script as an administrator.

Export Project Power Shell Script Description


Given the CSV output from the Project export function, copy CatalogResources to a new location.


The Project export function can be used to produce a CSV report of all Resources associated with a Project.

This script takes that CSV report as an input, and copies files from the CatalogResources folder into a new location.


powershell.exe -f project-export-script.ps1 -catalogResources "E:\CatalogResources" -inputFile "C:\Downloads\my-csv-file.csv" -outputPath "\\backup-location\CatalogResources"
PARAMETER catalogResources

The full filepath of the folder used as the CatalogResources location for Centro WebApp.


The full filepath of the CSV report.

PARAMETER outputPath

The full filepath of the folder where files will be copied. 
Unless you set useCatalogIdAsFolderName, the existing directory structure within the CatalogResources folder is preserved.

PARAMETER useCatalogIdAsFolderName

Set true if you want to create folders using Catalog IDs/Resource names for folders, instead of copying the CatalogResources folder structure.

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