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Centro 8.4.0 Release Notes


Along with importer updates and many bug fixes, Centro 8.4.0 includes many UI and workflow improvements and enhancements. It also introduces telemetry to help us make improvements in the future.

Special Installation Information!!

Actify anticipates releasing Centro 8.5.0 in a couple of weeks specifically to include Catia v5 2024 (3D) and Inventor 2025 (3D).

Let your organization's needs determine whether to install Centro 8.4.0 or wait for Centro 8.5.0.

Starting with Centro 8.4.0, support for Windows Server 2012 is being deprecated.

We strongly recommend migrating to Windows Server 2016 or later versions.

Installation Note Reminder

If running Centro on a Windows 10 or a Windows 2016 system, one must create a MIME Type for wasm, otherwise the SpinFire Web module fails to load models.

Windows 11, Windows 2019 and Windows 2022 systems have this MIME type set by default.

Centro 8.4.0 Changes




V11.0 to NX 2312 Series


Up to 36.1


4 - 8


V19 - 20, ST - ST10, 2024

8.4.0 Bug Fixes

  • 3D Search

    • 3D Search for similars fails from the Search page: Could not load file or assembly ssqh.

  • API

    • Endpoint CancelCheckoutByResourceKey does not ensure up to date identity before using permissions.

    • Fix Web API error response messages for validation in multi-tenant web app.

  • Mesh

    • Upload UI shows Prem Location as inaccessible even if accessible.

    • Requests with Mesh token auth do not return correct error response format.

    • CatalogPart page does not correctly handle errors caused by live update connection failure.

    • Some resource actions are unnecessarily disabled when remote location is not accessible.

    • Mesh upload actions fail with incorrect error when uploading to a fallback location.

  • Misc.

    • Address some issues with not checking ACLs when resolving resource level permissions.

    • Error when enabling Azure AD sign-in: Could not load type from assembly Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.

    • Check-in comment labels misbehaving in SFW Comments view.

  • Translations

    • A translation is missing on the "Amend Mesh Rules" window.

    • Missing translation for agent type filter on Pipeline Activity tab.

  • UI

    • Scrolling doesn't appear on the Compare page.

    • Misaligned items in search dropdown of nav header.

    • The Clear button doesn't have text in the time filters on the Jobs Explorer page.

    • The tooltips on the thumbnail of Catalog Part aren't on the same level.

    • The slider for the length of the part name on the BOM page is invisible.

    • The Explode View is unreadable on the SFW page.

    • SFW Explode View input slider is unclear in dark mode and not visible otherwise.

    • A number of improvements made to the Dark UI Theme.

Supported Environments

Centro Web / File Server Environment




Operating System

Windows Server2012/2016/2019 (64-bit)

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2012/2016/2019/2022 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2012/2016 /2019/2022 (64-bit)

CPU/Processor *

Intel i7 8 Core 4 GHz (or equivalent)

Intel i7 8 Core 4 GHz (or equivalent)


16 GB

64 GB

128 GB

Disk Space

10 GB free

50 GB free

100 GB free

It's recommended to have n+1 core processors where n is the number of total concurrent jobs running.

The amount of available free space is dependent on the amount and size of files and revisions uploaded as resources to the Catalog.

Database Environment




Operating System

Ubuntu Linux v12.04 / v14.10 / v15.04

Debian Linux v7.0 or v8.0

Debian Linux v8.0

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2012/2016 (64-bit)

Debian Linux v8.0

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2012/2016 (64-bit)


8 GB

16 GB

32 GB

Disk Space

10 GB free

20 GB free

50 GB free

Client Environment





WebGL Compatible Browser

  • FireFox

  • Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge (on Chromium-Based)






2 GB

4 GB

8 GB

Prerequisite Installations

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.