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Telemetry for Centro

Centro consistently enhances its applications with each version, aiming to add and refine features, update importers, and enhance the UI and workflows. In the effort to further enhance our products, we've introduced telemetry, which anonymously collects application usage data.

The collected data may include the following:

  • Application data consisting of Application Versions, Importer Settings, Exceptions, and Warnings

  • Usage information consisting of Anonymized User Activity Data, and Load Times

  • Server information consisting of Operating System, and System Specification

The telemetry data collected serves only internal purposes and does not include any identifiable information. The function of telemetry involves:

  • Analyzing and improving the performance, functionality, and stability of the application

  • Identifying and addressing software bugs, crashes, and other issues

  • Enhancing user experience by understanding how users interact with the application

Telemetry is enabled by default. To disable telemetry, create a system environment variable (not a user environment variable) named DISABLE_CENTRO_TELEMETRY and set its value to “true” on the server hosting any Centro services. After creating the system environment variable, restart the server to ensure that it takes effect.

When telemetry is disabled, a single telemetry status message is sent on application startup, and no further telemetry will be collected.

To confirm that telemetry has been disabled, you can refer to the Centro About page.


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