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Manually Resync Out-of-Sync LDAP Users

If a Centro user was imported on a Centro version prior to Centro 7.6.3 and the user's account had changes, such as their Organizational Unit (OU) was changed, their corresponding Centro account may not allow them to log in.

This can be fixed via the Fix out-of sync users/roles... feature. This allows administrators to re-sync the user's Centro account by linking to the changed Active Directory account. Likewise, groups may also require this manual re-sync.

If users or roles require syncing, the users tab in the Admin Area

Resyncing Users

To re-sync users

  1. In the Admin Area, navigate to the Users tab. The Fix out-of-sync users/roles... button should appear.

    Note: This button will only appear when Centro finds items out of sync. Also, a warning symbol next to the LDAP type will also appear.
  2. Click Fix out-of-sync users/roles.
  3. Select a user in the list of out-of-sync users.
  4. The Search Term field should automatically be filled.
  5. Enter a user subdomain with the OU if the information is available. For large organizations this may help narrow down the search results. This field is optional.
  6. Click Search LDAP users.
  7. From the results found, select the one to sync the user's account with.
  8. Click Link (user account name).
  9. Centro reports the success or failure of the operation.
Resyncing Roles

To re-sync users

  1. In the Admin Area, navigate to the Users tab. The Fix out-of-sync users/roles... button should appear.

    Note: This button will only appear when Centro finds items out of sync. Also, a warning symbol next to the LDAP type will also appear.

  2. Click Fix out-of-sync users/roles.
  3. Select a group in the list of out-of-sync groups.
  1. The Search Term field should automatically be filled.
  2. Enter a group subdomain with the OU if the information is available. For large organizations this may help narrow down the search results. This field is optional.
  3. Click Search LDAP groups.
  4. From the results found, select the one to sync the group.
  5. Click Link (group name).
  6. Centro reports the success or failure of the operation.
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