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Centro 7.10.4 Release Notes


Centro 7.10.4 updates a number of importers used to convert CAD files to ACT3D.

Centro 7.10.4 Changes

  • Centro is able to process Catia v5 R30 3D files and NX 1926 Series 3D files.

    • Note: These file format versions do not function against the following actions
      • PhysProps to Catalog
      • CAD to SpinFire

Minor Changes


  • Any invalid resources are removed with the update database script.
  • 'Load More' button in Catalog Part activity keeps loading the same set of activities

Installation Notes

  • If upgrading to ArangoDB 3.6.x, it is recommended to change the storage engine to the RocksDB engine if you are currently using the MMFiles engine. See Upgrading MMFiles to RocksDB in ArangoDB
  • The "full" user will have the super user permission automatically added after running the deployment script.

Supported Environments

Centro Web / File Server EnvironmentMinimumRecommendedOptimum
Operating System

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

Windows Server2012/2016 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2012/2016 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2012/2016 (64-bit)

CPU/Processor *

Intel i7 8 Core 4 GHz (or equivalent)

Intel i7 8 Core 4 GHz (or equivalent)

Memory16 GB32 GB32 GB
Disk Space 10 GB free50 GB free100 GB free

It's recommended to have n+1 core processors where n is the number of total concurrent jobs running.

The amount of available free space is dependent on the amount and size of files and revisions uploaded as resources to the Catalog.

Database EnvironmentMinimumRecommendedOptimum
Operating System

Ubuntu Linux v12.04 / v14.10 / v15.04

Debian Linux v7.0 or v8.0

Debian Linux v8.0

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2012/2016 (64-bit)

Debian Linux v8.0

Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

Windows Server 2012/2016 (64-bit)

Memory8 GB16 GB32 GB
Disk Space

10 GB free

20 GB free

50 GB free

Client EnvironmentMinimumRecommendedOptimum

WebGL Compatible Browser

  • FireFox
  • Chrome
  • Internet Explorer 11+
  • Edge 




Memory2 GB4 GB8 GB

Prerequisite Installations

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