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SpinFire Ultimate 11.8.1 Release Notes


SpinFire Ultimate 11.8.1 updates a few key importers and fixes a handful of bugs.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8

We recommend upgrading to Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8. 


Floating License Server Update

If your organization uses a floating license server, it is highly recommended upgrading to the new Floating License Server 11.8.0. This will be necessary for SpinFire Ultimate 11.9.0.

SpinFire Ultimate 32-bit Support

Reminder - Support for the 32-bit version of SpinFire Ultimate will cease starting with the next major version, SpinFire Ultimate 11.9.0, 

Notable Changes

  • Importer updates 


    Supported Versions

    Autodesk Revit2015 to 2021 (3D)
    Catia v6R2010x to R2021x (2D), Up to 2018x (3D)
    Solid EdgeST1 to 2021 (2D))
    ST - ST10, 2021 (3D)
    SolidWorks2004 to 2021(2D),
    From 97 up to 2021 (3D)

Bug Fixes 

  • 3D Models
    • Specific Creo file does not open.
    • Specific Creo assembly does not open anymore.
    • Specific STEP file does not open.
  • Measurements
    • Edge Length markup anchor point can be wrong when edge contains more than two points.
    • Arc Center to Edge, Point to Edge and Surface Point to Edge measurements can be wrong when edge contains more than two points.
    • The Smart Minimum Distance from Arc Center to Surface and Minimum Distance from Surface to Arc Center measurement results are not correct.
    •  IndexOutOfRangeException occurs when performing Minimum Distance Between Edges measurement and some edge points are duplicates
  • Open File
    • Model Compare Results window appears even if the document that contains it is not the first one when opening an ACT3D file with multiple documents.
  • Printing
    • The Page Orientation is not stored when using the Print Document menu item.
  • UI
    • Documents are still being imported after the import is canceled.
    • Cannot drag and drop Centro resources when Tiles mode is enabled on the library page.
    • Initial sorting order of folders appearing in a library connection is incorrect.
    • Import Subassembly and Load Missing Part menu items appear in the Action combo box after opening 3D model and then trying to import a 2D model. These have been removed.
    • The busy indicator is incorrect when opening a file after reconnecting to remote desktop or relogging in and SpinFire is open.

Upgrading from 11.7.x to 11.8.x

To upgrade SpinFire Ultimate from 11.7.x to 11.8.x

  1. Launch and run the SpinFire.x64.msi (or the SpinFire.x64.exe) and follow the installation wizard instructions. 

  2. Select Check for Updates from the Help menu if you have an Internet connection and are upgrading form 11.1 or greater.

Recommended Environments

Client Environment
Operating System

Windows 8.1 (64-bit) 
Windows 8.1 (32-bit)
Windows 10 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019

Windows 8.1 (64-bit) 
Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 10 (64-bit)
OS Language Supported

English (US)
Chinese (simplified)
Chinese (traditional)

English (US)
Chinese (simplified)
Chinese (traditional)

English (US)


Intel i3 4 Core 3.8 GHz (or equivalent)

Intel i5 4 Cores 3.9 GHz (or equivalent)

Intel i7 8 Cores 4 GHz (or equivalent)

Memory8 GB DDR316 GB DDR332 GB DDR3

DirectX 12 capable graphics card, 2GB VRAM

DirectX 12 capable graphics card, 4GB VRAM

DirectX 12 capable graphics card, 6GB VRAM

Prerequisite Installations

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