Commands for working with local files are available via the file context menu. Right-click a filename to open the context menu.
Available commands are:
Opens the selected file(s) in the Workspace.
Load Only Assembly Tree
Loads the selected assembly file in the Workspace with the assembly tree only.
Imports the selected file(s) into the current Workspace.
Add Document
Adds a new document with the selected file(s) to the current Workspace.
Converts the selected file(s) to a chosen file type (.ACT3D, .PDF, .SAT, .HSF, .IGES, .JT, .X_T, .PRC, .STEP, .STL, .U3D).
Copies the selected file to the Windows Clipboard.
The file you are copying is the actual file that resides in your local system; it is not a copy created by SpinFire Ultimate. Please use caution when using the Copy, Rename, and Delete commands.
Opens the Rename File dialog box.
The file you are renaming is the actual file that resides in your local system; it is not a copy created by SpinFire Ultimate. Please use caution when using the Copy, Rename, and Delete commands.
Deletes the selected file.
The file you are deleting is the actual file that resides in your local system; it is not a copy created by SpinFire Ultimate. Please use caution when using the Copy, Rename, and Delete commands.
Opens the file Properties dialog box.
Provides file information about model in a dialog box.
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