SpinFire Performance Issues
1. Graphic Card Drivers need updating
Update Graphic Card Drivers
Open Device Manager
Expand Display Adapters, then Right Click > Select Properties > Open Driver Tab > Check Driver Date
If the Graphic Drivers are from 2022 or earlier, go to the Manufacturers website to download the latest drivers.
Official GeForce Drivers | NVIDIA. Manually Search for the driver or download the GeForce Experience application to do the driver update on your behalf and for future update updates.
Intel® Driver & Support Assistant. Download and Install the Intel Driver & Support Assistant, Then run the application and it will automatically scan your machine for the latest driver compatabile with your graphics card.

3. AMD Drivers. Download AMD’s software which will install the latest graphic card driver for you or alternagively search for the specific graphics card manually in the dropdown list.
AMD Drivers and Support | AMD

2. Configure a specific graphic card to be used for SpinFire.exe and SpinFire.viewer.exe

Add SpinFire.exe and SpinFire.Viewer.exe to Windows Graphics Settings, setting them both to High Performance.
If the 2nd graphic card is Intel, set the Graphic Card to Performance.
If you are using a laptop, set the laptop power mode to Performance.

3. Optimize Memory within SpinFire Application
Turn on "Optimize Memory" Setting found under Settings > Application. Then Click Apply Settings and reopen your CAD Model to see the change.

4. Turn On ‘Static Model Enabled’ within SpinFire Application
Static Model enables better optimization of the assembly tree after the file has finished loading. Turn on "Static Model Enabled" under Options > Importers. Then reopen your CAD Model to see the change.

5. Change Graphics Driver Option within SpinFire Application
Change DirectX11 to OpenGL 2 and click Apply Settings bottom right. Then reopen your CAD Model to see the change.