This page contains details on the use and behavior of SpinFire .MSI installers and .MST language transform files that can be used with enterprise software distribution tools, such as MATRIX 42. The Default Language is the current culture of the target workstation.
Installation Links
In cases where the default SpinFire language is other than the current culture (language setting) of the target workstation, .ST files can be used to apply the desired application interface language.
SpinFire.x64.msi - SpinFire installation MSI file that can be used with software distribution tools.
Product ID
See SpinFire Insight Releases for a list of SpinFire Ultimate product IDs. The Default Installation Directory is C:\[Program Files Directory]\Actify\SpinFire\11msiexec
Command-Line option for Microsoft Standard Installer
Provides the means to install, modify, and perform operations on Windows Installer from the command line. msiexec | Microsoft Docs