Install or Uninstall SpinFire Issues
10/05/2023 Page Created
Installing SpinFire Issues
1720 / 1722 Errors pop up during the Installation.

2. Variant of the 1720 error during the installation issue.
In very rare instances on Windows 11, you may be prompted with a message to “Select an App to open this .msu file” during the SpinFire installation. The application that uses this file type is the Windows Update Standalone Installer, but selecting this does not resolve the issue.

The issue is due to a lack of write permission to the C:\Users\WINDOWS_ACCOUNT\Local\Temp or C:\Users\WINDOWS_ACCOUNT\AppData\Local\Actify . Go to these directory paths, you will be prompted that you don’t currently have permission to access this folder. Click Continue and now you can install SpinFire normally.

3. In rare cases there may be old registry entires from SpinFire that need removing from the Windows 10/11 Registry. This script removes any SpinFire entries from the registry going back to the earliest version of SpinFire up to Version 11.10.0 (The current release) Do not use this script while a version of SpinFire is currently installed.
Uninstalling SpinFire Issues
Where you encounter issues uninstalling or installing applications like SpinFire, you may need to use Microsoft’s troubleshooting tools to address the issue.
Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed - Microsoft Support
What Microsoft’s tool fixes:
Corrupt registry keys on 64-bit operating systems.
Corrupt registry keys that control the update data.
Prevent new programs from being installed.
Prevent existing programs from being completely uninstalled or updated.
Block you from uninstalling a program through Add or Remove Programs (or Programs and Features) in Control Panel.