11.10.0 Scripting Improvements
Actify made the following scripting improvements to help manage your data and workspace seessions.
Reset the section planes to their original position and rotation
When using the sectioning feature of SpinFire Ultimate, the user can move and roatate the section plane. Reseting it to its original state is not simple.
A user can use scripting to quickly and easily reset the state of the section plane(s).

Export Points with Names and X,Y, Z location to .csv file
When a CAD file containing points is loaded and importing the points, the user can now obtain a list of those exported to a .CSV file via scripting.
The items exported are,
Point Name
Point X-Coordinate
Point Y-Coordinate
Point Z-Coordinate
Unit Type (example: mm)

The two scripting calls are.
Shift+Enter functions as Enter in the Scripting Console
Rather than intrepretting a Shift+Enter key combination as input, SpinFire Ultimate now interprets this to go to the next line.