System restoration requires the following six steps.
Re-install Centro software (if needed)
Restore the database.
Restore the Catalog Resources
Restore Job progress and 3D Search DB files
Restore Configuration files
Restore the license file
Install Centro
Re-install Centro from the Centro installation files. It is recommended to install from the same version of Centro in which the back up was taken from.
STOP the webapp as soon as it is installed
STOP all the services as soon as they are installed
Verify the CentroPool and PipelineHostManager services have the correct “Login as” User assigned
Restore the backed up files to configured location of the CatalogResources. By default, the files and folders can be found at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Centro\CatalogResources.
The Path is defined in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Centro\Configuration\appSettings.config file
Job Progress and 3D Search DB
Restore the backed up files back to the C:\ProgramData\Actify\Centro7 folder.
Configuration files
Restore the following file;
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Centro\web.config Note: Path may be different based on your installation