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Generate CAD Attributes

The CAD tab in the Catalog Part view makes available CAD attributes and physical properties. If a new version or new CAD file is manually uploaded, CAD attributes will not appear in the CAD tab unless they are read and populated.

Users can read CAD attributes from the uploaded CAD file to populate the CAD tab.

To Generate CAD Attributes for a new CAD File

  1. Right mouse click on the CAD file menu.

  2. Select Read CAD Attributes 

    (A pipeline job is sent to the Catalog Request Pipeline)

  3. Click the CAD tab.

  4. View data.

To Generate CAD Attributes for a New Version

  1. Click Check In to check in a new version of a CAD file.

  2. Browse and select the the file.

  3. Click CAD attributes.

  4. Click Check In.

    Note: If you happen to miss the check box at check in, use the Read CAD Attributes as described above.

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