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Assembly Resource Manager

The Assembly Resource Manager relieves a user from the tediousness from checking out and checking in large number of resources one at a time. The Assembly Resource Manager allows bulk check outs and check ins with a vision on entire assemblies at one time.

To initiate the Assembly Resource Manager, use the Centro Control pull down menu and select Assembly Resource Manager.

Assembly Resource Manager Interface

Resource Type

Use the Resource drop down to select the type of resource to view.

Action Tabs

Navigate to the appropriate tab.

Selection Count

The selection count keeps track at the number of files you are about to perform an operation on.

Quick Selections

Select all, deselect all, or remove the hierarchical indentations.

Icon Definitions

Different icons and colors indicate the control status of each file.



Available for check out

Checked out by yourself

Checked out by someone else

The resource is missing. Not available for check out

Assembly Check Out

To perform an assembly check out:

  1. On the Check out tab, select the resource file types to check out. Typically this will be CAD file.

  2. Select the appropriate files within the assembly hierarchy.

  3. Click Check out.

Cancel Assembly Check Out

To cancel an assembly check out:

  1. On the Cancel Check out tab, select the resource file types to check out. Typically this will be CAD file.

  2. Select the appropriate files within the assembly hierarchy that have been checked out.

  3. Click Check Check out.

Assembly Check In

To perform an assembly check in:

  1. On the Cancel Check in tab, select the resource file types to check out. Typically this will be CAD file.

  2. Click Select files.

  3. Browse and find the file(s) to fill the check in list.

  4. Click Open.

  5. Centro will automatically match up files based on filename. If it cannot make the association on its own, drag and drop the appropriate file from your check in file list.

    If Centro has associated an incorrect file, click the 'x' and find the correct file.

  6. Continue to select files for all appropriate checked out files.
    Note: You are not required to check in all checked out files.

  7. Click the Check in button.

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